ORACLE XE 10g for Linux
Hello Everyone :)
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you guys how to install Oracle XE (Express Edition) 10g on a Linux system.
for this tutorial, we will use as a Linux system Ubuntu on it's latest version 12.0. you can guys download it from here.
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you guys how to install Oracle XE (Express Edition) 10g on a Linux system.
for this tutorial, we will use as a Linux system Ubuntu on it's latest version 12.0. you can guys download it from here.
Oracle Express Edition Database is lightweight Database made for the development environment. Oracle XE is a great tool for developing POC (proof of concept) kind of applications. it comes with some dummy data that can be used by developers and save for them a lot of time setting the Db Environment.
This tutorial will guide you through the installation and the configuration steps so you can have a set and ready to use environment.
First, we need to download and install the following packages.
use the command dpkg to install the packages.
dpkg -i "name_of_package"
dpkg -i "name_of_package"
once done we are going to install some additional tools
aptitude install libaio1 bc
those dependencies (libaio1, bc) are needed to be installed with Oracle xe10g
and then we install rlwrap tool to make our life easier with sqlplus client
apt-get install rlwrap //(it will help us with sqlplus )
once the installation is done we configure the environment, we will configure some parameters and some Linux system variables
1) excute this cmd " /etc/init.d/oracle-xe configure " (as root) and follow the steps that gives you
2) add the following lignes in a terminal and in your user file profile " ~/.profile " (or /etc/profile
for everyone )
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
export ORACLE_BASE=/usr/lib/oracle/xe
3) add the following ligne in this file -> "$ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql"
DEFINE _EDITOR = "/usr/bin/gedit" (or an other text editor that you want )
4)type in a terminal the following alias and add it to your list of aliases , here(~/.bashrc)
alias sqlplus='rlwrap sqlplus'
1) open your browser and type this (http://localhost:8080/apex)
Login : system
pass : you already configured it when you did the 1st step in configuration
2) enable the user HR ( in administration )
3) to connect from sqlplus run this cmd in the terminal
pass : you already configured it when you did the 1st step in configuration
2) enable the user HR ( in administration )
3) to connect from sqlplus run this cmd in the terminal
$ sqlplus hr/hr@xe
4) enjoy ! :)
4) enjoy ! :)
i hope that tutorial allowed you to install and configure Oracle on your UBUNTU ,
thank you for reading :)